If an original is not in your budget, there are more than 60 originals that have been released as high quality printed limited editions on canvas over the recent years.
Each copy is produced using the newest state of the art digital equipment, the finest digitally prepared canvas and archival quality inks to ensure many years of viewing pleasure. The copies are over-sized, printed around the edges for a deep gallery wrapped finish allowing each piece to be displayed, with or without additional framing.
Each copy is sent to my studio for my inspection and signature before it is shipped to a gallery or buyer. This allows me to personally proof each copy before adding my signature, ensuring that each copy is a faithful reproduction of the original painting it was born from.
This final process also gives me the opportunity to add a personal remark for those special gifts, or to mark a special occasion.
Edition sizes are kept low at generally 95 Signed and Numbered copies with 20 Artist Proof and 20 Printer Proof copies. These low numbers will help to ensure their collectability and value over time.
Prints are available from authorized galleries in the US and Canada listed on the Gallery Links page.
Many of the over 60 print editions are now completely sold out and others are in low supply. Their availability is indicated when you hover your cursor over the images on the Print Gallery page.
A limited number of copies from the artist’s personal allotment of artist proofs have been signed, numbered and include an original sketch by the artist on the back of each copy. Contact the artist for more information.